Have you finished the ski season on a bit of a downer and experienced:

  • Freezing up?
  • Freaking out?
  • Hurt, injured or lost confidence?
  • Losing the fun?

Fortunately you now have 2 choices:-

  1. Spending the summer having a hard time worrying and getting anxious and stressed about your skiing just by over-analysing it, or
  2. Making the problem go away and having a summer of ease and stress and worry free and looking forward to the next ski season?

Strangely, most people prefer the first option, preferring to keep their problem rather than letting it go away.  And preferring to suffer for many years.

At Skicology™ we specialise in the mental side of skiing which is why you can improve when you’re off the slopes.  Whilst you may be looking for a technical fix, there isn’t one for a mental problem.

Here’s the ‘how’:

What a Skicologist does is through a few light conversations over Skype is help you gain a new insight or perspective on your experience.  And a consequence of the tiniest shift in perspective – quite literally a change of mind – you’ll be thinking and feeling different and so experiencing less stress and more peace.  So when you come back to your skiing next season you’ll be in a very different place with the fun back in place.  And for some this realisation happens in 20-30 minutes – as a client once said this is strangely straightforward – so, if you get what you need in the first session or two, then we’ll refund the remainder of the sessions – guaranteed.

And because the Principles behind Skicology™ are universal, applying not just to skiing but all of life, some of the side-effects you’ll probably be experiencing over the summer are less stress and worry and generally feeling better in life, in work, and relationships.

So what we’ve done here at Skicology to put the fun back in to skiing this summer is we’ve teamed up with online ski magazine www.MadDogSki.com and made a 30% discount on the regular prices of all skicology sessions by booking here in the next month.  MadDogSki are all about putting the fun back in to skiing, which is the number one reason take up skiing in the first place – and the lack of it the number one reason people quit or suffer in silence (or not!) – they’ve simply lost the fun!!!

And if you want to make a gift – say for a birthday – of Skicology Sessions to someone who hasn’t had the best ski experience this season but you want to help them, then you can do that too.  Go on to the special booking page here and we’ll send you a gift voucher to give to them which they can redeem.

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